
Monday, April 22, 2013

Family Reading Night (And a tiny tutorial)

"You're taking another picture?"
One of my mom friends decided to bring an English/French Book Fair to our daughters' school. Which is nice, since Miss Bloom goes to a French Immersion elementary school. At the same time, we had an evening celebrating reading as a family. Teachers read in both English and French. We had songs, crafts, and picnics in our pajamas.

I volunteered to help coordinate the kindergarten portion of the evening. It took a lot of time but was totally worth the effort. Everyone really enjoyed themselves!

We made bookmarks.

We made reading glasses.

We even made our own books from a single sheet of paper.

For decoration, I hung a sign for people to write their favorite children's book
(using "quill" pens, of course).
The title is a little crooked. Oops.                         

And we strung up stars and little lights for families to sit under while listening to the readers.

The kids had a great time!

Miss Bloom and one of her best friends even showed up in matching "pjs"-- tshirts from last summer's Camp Voila.

So, a little tutorial. I loved the look of the translucent hanging stars. They were very simple and came about due to a lack of yellow paper at my house.

My supplies:
Ribbon or string, clear contact paper, tissue paper, scissors

Remove the backing from the contact paper and carefully lay down your tissue paper. It's okay if there are wrinkles. It adds texture!

A big pile of contact tissue paper.

Cut out a bunch of stars.

Punch holes and string them up.


1 comment:

  1. Family Reading Night sounds like a lot of fun! I love that Bloom's school has opportunities like this for families to interact and promote reading. Good for you for taking on volunteer projects like this! I know it's just one of many..
